Week in Review – December 29th, 2024

“Holiday gatherings – and another one, and yet another one”

Diana’s friend, Amy, joined us in Pacifica on Monday.  I encouraged the girls to get out of the house for a while and they took me up on it.  Champagne at Nick’s and a view of the waves:

You don’t really get the perspective from the video, but those were some large swells – the same ones that washed away the pier in Santa Cruz.  After that the girls shopped at Sirens and then ran some other errands.  Diana always enjoys hanging out with Amy.

Tuesday (Christmas Eve) started with a visit from Campbell, Will, Christine, and Ollie.

Will brought some very yummy Indian food from Redwood City.  I don’t remember the name of the lamb dish, but that and the chicken Tikka were both delicious.  Thanks Will!

We had a fun gift exchange – I’ll have to show you a picture of my fancy purple hat when I wear it for the first time.

One of the more entertaining episodes was Will reminding us of his track and field and cross country activities in high school.  Funny that Campbell and I don’t remember anything about that.  He called his friend, Otter, who verified that they did high jump and long jump.  Hmmm.

I do remember Will skateboarding ALL THE TIME.  Told him to bring his board next time and take advantage of the new half pipe in Adamo’s back garden:

Immediately after that, it was time to start preparing for the Feast of the Seven Fishes.  Do we really need to go to this trouble every year?  Absolutely, apparently!  The seven fishes were:

Petrale Sole with prep by Giancarlo:

Scallops and lobster by Adamo:

Smoked salmon from Diana and Marco.  Regular salmon from Diana.  Anchovy pasta from Diana.  Shrimp wontons from Carolyn.  And it seems like we had a bonus fish that I’m forgetting.  I would ask Diana, but she’s having a well deserved nap.

There were a total of nineteen people for the fishes.  Clorinda had a great time holding court with everyone.

That feast was a lot of work and delicious.  Everyone had a good time.

Next up – Christmas dinner.   We worked on lamb lollipops, baked ham, and scalloped potatoes.  Carlo did a great job with the lamb, Alicia with the potatoes, and Giancarlo with a very healthy salad.  This was a more manageable group – Marco and Julie and family, Giancarlo and Carlo, and the residents of 1 Gypsy Hill road.

We wondered about adding the livestock outside the kitchen window to the feast:

Dinner was followed by a gift exchange.  I should have made a video of the dancing dog singing “We wish you a Merry Xmas” that Marco got his Mom.  She has quite a collection of those silly things now – that she loves.

Boxing Day – we met Sean and Sheri at Buck’s in Woodside for lunch – halfway point between south San Jose and Pacifica.  We hadn’t seen these guys in a while and we had a lengthy catchup on family, jobs and everything else.  A very pleasant few hours.

Friday – time for another group.  A lovely group consisting of Diana’s stepsons John and Joey and their families.  The four kids are so wonderfully interactive and well behaved.  Diana did a great job raising those two boys.

You don’t hear about these guys too often, so from left to right:

Bonna, Joey, Lilly, Ezra, Diana, Clorinda, Lianna, Ben, Alicia, Maddie, and John.  Such a great group of people.

We had leftovers and a gift exchange for the kids.  One of the highlights was a mask for Lianna that Diana got her in the French Quarter after her birthday brunch.

She has a masquerade ball dance coming up and was very excited.  Grammie is sporting a mask that she’s had in her closet forever.

This was such a nice visit and so calm – maybe my favourite of the week.

Saturday – time to pack up and head home.  I couldn’t believe how quiet the airport was.  We left early, expecting a very crowded situation.  There was nobody in front of us in the TSA line and the entire concourse was empty:

Gave us time for a drink and a salad at the Lark Creek Grill – very good.  We had a very friendly flight attendant that made the flight to New Orleans fun.  Fortunately our flight arrived just as the thunder storms moved out of the area – the three flights ahead of us were diverted to Dallas, which would have been a real pain.

We dropped off my library book and made a visit to Martin to stock up for New Year’s Eve.  Interestingly, Jude Law was spotted there this week:

I pulled up to the intersection of Prytania and Washington and it was all blocked off by police vehicles.  After discussion, they allowed us in to park in our drive, just before a second line parade came down the street in front of our house.  This is unusual – they usually turn on St. Charles.

The rest of today will be spent watching football and prepping for New Year’s Eve.

Look at this gorgeous view from my sister and brother in law’s home in Aberdeenshire this week:

I finished up Demon Copperhead this week – finally.  Kelly had recommended this to me with:

“This is a book that is funny, sad and endearing.  5 stars for sure.”

It won the Pulitzer prize and was an Oprah’s book club selection.

All that is well and good, but it really wasn’t a great read for me.  I must have missed the “funny” parts.  It was a slog through all the sad things that happen to disadvantaged children in the midst of the opioid crisis in underprivileged parts of the country.

I think Kingsolver did an amazing job of putting herself into Damon’s mind and writing from his perspective.  Really amazing.

The last quarter of the book held my attention much better than the earlier sections – likely because a bit of optimism crept in.

The last page was maybe my favorite, as it uses an oyster metaphor for the relationship between Demon and Angus:

“I was extremely unclear about where we were headed. Was she still my sister?

She smacked her forehead. “Oh my God. Oysters.”

“What about them.”

“You can only eat them in winter! June, July, August, they’re poison.

You have to wait till the months that have the letter R.”

This sounded highly doubtful. “Why is that?”

“Believe it or not, with my amazingly advanced degree, I don’t know.

It’s one of these things you pick up. I went to New Orleans a few times with friends.”

There he was, the friend. “And you’re saying it’s worth the wait? Because I’m saying Mrs. Peggot used to cook them in soup at Christmas, and I was not a fan.”

“This is nothing like that. At the beach they’re fresh. You crack them open and drink them right off the shell. Raw. Technically I guess still alive.”

“And that’s a good thing?”

“You won’t believe how good. It’s like kissing the ocean. Demon.” She leaned forward so I could see her face, and drilled those bad-girl eyes into me with a look that threatened my perfect driving record. “And it’s kissing you back.”

Oh my Lord. The girl has set her cap. Not my sister.

We talked the whole way through the Shenandoah Valley. The end of the day grew long on the hills, then the dark pulled in close around us. Snowflakes looped and glared in the headlights like off-season lightning bugs. Ridiculous nut that I’d been to crack. I drove left-handed with my right arm resting on her seat back, running my thumb over the little hairs on the back of her neck. The trip itself, just the getting there, possibly the best part of my life so far.

That’s where we are. Well past the Christiansburg exit. Past Rich-mond, and still pointed east. Headed for the one big thing I know is not going to swallow me alive.””

I don’t think I agree with all the hype around this book, and really don’t recommend it unless you want a deep view into the tough life of disadvantaged children from many aspects.

I really enjoyed the guitar sound and atmosphere of this new one from T Bone:

This sounds like something modern from the Grateful Dead’s “American Beauty” album:

Kathleen Edward’s voice is so pure on this Springsteen cover:

Another great version of this song:

And finally, Nick Lowe showing all the age in his voice to great effect:

Coexist peacefully, with kindness and patience for all!





Week in Review – December 22nd, 2024

“Multiple Birthdays”

When I left you last week, Kenny was coming to pick up Diana and shuttle her to the “Birthday Girl’s Brunch” in the French Quarter.  The ladies loved their time at Broussard’s and the location was a complete surprise to Diana.  Kenny and Keith know how to keep a secret!

Anne and Kara had spent some happy hours together crafting special cat eye glasses and bracelets:

Here they are modeling them in the Broussard’s lobby:

The ladies thought Diana needed a commemorative ornament:

Kenny had been trying to find a time when Diana would be gone for a few hours, so that he could execute on his birthday gift.  He spent over three hours pressure washing the front bricks while the girls were at lunch.  What a great job, and such a kind gift:

Look at the handmade card Kenny attached to the top of the stairs:

The ladies weren’t quite finished yet – they walked down Bourbon Street to Bar 33 (the bar owned by and next to Gallatoire’s) for French 75s.

Kenny drove down to the House of Blues to see a friend, Nina, perform and several of the ladies met him there.  Thanks to Kenny and Kara for delivering the almost sixty year old home safely.

We surprised Merry Lee for a late birthday dinner at Acamaya on Monday evening.  We arrived early and she was very happy to see us there.  Jeff pulled off a great surprise.  I love this restaurant – wonderfully creative Mexican seafood and different drinks.

After dinner we were looking for some music and I finally found a piano player at the Saturn bar – a short stroll from Acamaya.  BC Coogan treated us to “Classified” by James Booker on arrival.




Tuesday brought another birthday – Kenny this time.  Diana made some jambalaya, and the trivia group assembled at Kara and Kenny’s home for dinner and cake pre-trivia.

We did all right at trivia but did not place in the top three.  After that, we got to the Maple Leaf in time to catch a good amount of Bookerfest – the annual tribute to James Booker on his birthday.  This has become an annual celebration event with Kenny.  It was entertaining to see our trivia master at the show – we had a good chat about music and trivia.

Here are two song clips from the wonderful Joe Krown:

The night finished up with six hands on the piano – so, so good and fun to watch:

A very enjoyable Tuesday night all around.

Are you feeling sleepy after all this activity?  Well, time to catch a second wind because we have another birthday on Wednesday to talk about.

Beautiful birthday flowers from Kris and Cat:

And an excellent birthday song from Andy.  He’s getting so good and seems to have quite the recording setup going these days:

I had reserved a section of Oak and Ale to host a birthday dinner for Diana.  We had about twenty four people there.

We love that our friends kids are part of the group and wanted to attend the event:

Here’s a selection with friends:

Chickie called a few minutes before we were leaving for the restaurant – his flight to Vegas had been diverted to New Orleans due to an emergency.  He wanted to know what we had planned.  So we added him to the party list:

I think Diana had a good time with everyone.

Merry Lee came over for a walk with Diana on Thursday morning, and suggested that we meet Jeff downtown for lunch.  We had another yummy meal at Meril – the restaurant that Emeril named after his daughter.




Friday was packing and organizing day.  We had our own Christmas gift exchange in the evening, followed by an impromptu visit from Anne with some gifts.

Saturday came with an early start.  Out the door at 4:30am for our 6:30am flight.  Adamo picked us up at San Francisco airport around 9:30am.  We made it smoothly and a bit early.   Time to catch our breath and relax a bit.  I enjoyed the UT and Clemson college football playoff game (UT won).

Today, we did some shopping for Christmas Eve dinner and I’m looking forward to the Cowboys game this evening.  I’m comfortable enough to admit that I’m currently watching “A Merry Scottish Christmas” – a classic Hallmark style movie – with McD.

With all that activity, I had little time for reading or finding new music – so we’ll skip those sections this week.

Coexist peacefully, with kindness and patience for all.

Week in Review – December 15th, 2024

 “Retirement Celebration”

We flew to Austin early Monday morning and checked into the Carpenter hotel.  I had an executive committee meeting on Monday night, which turned into an early retirement party for me.

We went to the Guest House, which is an amazingly delicious Austin establishment.  I had a parmesan crusted filet that was ridiculously tasty.

There were lots of toasts and speeches that almost brought me to tears.  This has been such a wonderful work experience because of the people that I work with.  The team gave me a $500 gift certificate to Shaya, one of my favourite New Orleans restaurants.

Nikki and I shared a martini that came with quite the presentation.  Dry ice poured over the bottom:

Desert was quite a show:

What a lovely dinner and memory.

Tuesday was the annual holiday party at Bar Peached.  Great food, drinks and company.  They had a “Braveheart” cocktail in my honour:

Here I am with the IT team:

And here is a reprise of the “girls” from Roatan:

Here’s’ one of my favourites – the EXCO group (three of the people it has been a complete joy to work with.)

And finally with Neffie:

We had our usual pre-flight lunch at June’s.  Lisa joined us and we saw Lachie (CEO) walking by and he joined us for a drink.  This is where I had lunch after interviewing for my job, and where I had the last meal of my retirement celebration – seems appropriately bookended.

Here are my two cards:

And a ridiculously expensive bottle of bourbon from my team:

I enjoyed two separate free outdoor concerts on Saturday afternoon with most of the krewe.  “The Walrus” performed Beatles songs at the corner of Marengo and Dryads.  Such a good band.

That was followed by the Panorama Jazz Band at the Kingpin, which also had an outdoor Christmas market going.

Kenny will be arriving soon to shuttle Diana to her ladies brunch to celebrate her upcoming birthday.  All she knows is that it’s somewhere in the French Quarter.

I continued to work my way through Demon Copperhead this week.   Slow progress due to all the travel and holiday excitement.  I look forward to finishing it up next week in the lull leading up to the real holidays.





I love this Ethiopian song that I heard at the Carpenter hotel:

And another one from the same source:

Very relaxing:

And finally, some classic Bonnie Raitt:

Coexist peacefully, with patience and kindness for all!


Week in Review – December 8th, 2024

“Xmas parade and Meads visit”

Diana was back out in California to be with her Mom this week until late Thursday.  This is an amazing sunset picture.




I went for a walk in Audubon park on Monday and made a small diversion for brunch at Tartine.  Diana had told me about going there with Kara and it sounded very good.  The baked eggs in brioche was excellent and I look forward to returning soon.  Every plate I saw going past looked tasty.



I suggested to Kenny and Kara that we might want to attend the free concert by John Boutte in St Louis cathedral.  Kenny drove down, parked us at the fire house and then we had a drink at the Pirates Alley bar by the cathedral.  We got there fifteen minutes before show time and were very surprised to find the place completely full – standing room only.  One can go and see John Boutte at DBA during the week and have five to ten people join you – but a free concert draws thousands of folks?

The show was very good – including a version of Ave Maria where Boutte didn’t remember all the words the first time through.  The band was very nuanced and accomplished.  Video was not allowed in the cathedral and so here’s a taste of Boutte’s soulful voice from Jazzfest:

We had a drink at Fives bar after the show.  This is a sister to the Columns and has excellent craft cocktails.



I took this picture of Kenny and Kara on the walk back to the fire house.  The city has some lights to repair on the riverfront tree.

Diana was scheduled to fly home midday on Thursday.  She let me know there was a tsunami warning in place as she was packing up.  What?  Yes – there was an offshore earthquake north of San Francisco and they were evacuating the kids from the schools down the hill from Clorinda’s house.  The warning was lifted just before McD left for the airport.

Diana made it home safely late on Thursday night.

My friend Mike Mead was in town for the weekend – his wife had a girls trip for a cruise down the Danube (tough life), and Mike and his three boys decided a trip to New Orleans would be fun – they have not visited before.

I invited them to meet me for lunch at the Columns on Friday – we had a very entertaining time catching up and revisiting stories from our past.  Mike’s son, Simon, is very into music and audio equipment.  He asked me if there was any Japanese style jazz playing in town.  What on earth is that?  He described it some more and I called Denny for input.  There was a show at Snug Harbor in the evening that totally met the requirements.

Mike reports that Simon loved it.  And I get ahead of myself yet again.  After the Columns lunch, I invited the crew back to the house to check out my Linn audio setup and listen to some music.  We picked up Diana from her hair appointment on the way.  A walking tour of the Garden District ensued.  And then Diana was quite happy to host the group for oysters at Superior Seafood.  I had a very nice time hanging out with the Mead boys.

I heard the next morning that the boys had played poker at Caesar’s casino by their hotel until 3:30am.  Just nuts!

I talked Diana into going downtown for the Christmas parade on Saturday morning.

This was a two hour long parade – over thirty floats, at least ten marching bands, many marching krewes and balloon floats like Rudolph above.  Diana got quite a haul of throws, including a riding Elvii scarf and a light up ornament necklace.  Here’s one of the marching groups that put a smile on my face:

And of course I’m a fan of the balloon penguin:

Diana was excited to see Santa and his reindeer:

The Meads caught the parade outside their hotel:

I got tired of standing in place and so we walked down to Canal Street to see the end of it.  “We’re almost at the Roosevelt hotel, why not go in and see the lights?”  What a silly idea.  There were oodles of families taking their Christmas card pictures – a complete zoo.  Note to self – don’t do this after the parade next year.



We got home in time to freshen up for the Happy Hour that Kenny and Kara were hosting for his brother, Andrew, and his partner Todd.  Kenny was an excellent host – he had cooked up some gumbo, muffulettas, potato salad and all kinds of other goodies.  It was fun getting to know Andrew better – such a good sense of humor, and the same curious intelligence in his eyes that Kenny displays.

Diana and Kara were determined to go and listen to music, the rest of us quite happy to relax – so you can guess what we did.  Yep, over to the Bayou bar at the Ponchatrain hotel to listen to music.

The music was really good and the good news is that we were able to walk home.  We should frequent this place more often.

Sunday started with Diana getting her second shingles shot.  We followed that up with a trip to the grocery store, and now the Christmas decorations are going up.  Fun all around!

I received an interesting gift this week.  It’s called Bartesian and is like a Keurig machine, but for cocktails.  You fill up the big bottles with whiskey, vodka, gin and tequila and then insert the pods for various cocktails.  We’re looking forward to trying it out for New Year’s Eve.

I watched “Churchill at War” on Netflix this week.  Very interesting series that tracks his life and decisions before World War II – did he really have such a big opportunity to avert the rise of Hitler?

After the disappointment of “Bee Sting”, I moved on to Demon Copperfield by Barbara Kingsolver.  This is a modern take on Dickens’ David Copperfield and is off to a good start.  Much more to come.




I’m listening to a podcast, “The Wonder of Stevie”, that I love.  It covers his five classic albums from the early seventies and is very well done.

I watched a short documentary, “Only Girl in the Orchestra”, about the first lady to play in the New York Philharmonic – so well done.  It featured the second movement from Beethoven’s symphony number seven – amazing.



Finally, I found a new band this week called The Stews that I like very much:

Coexist peacefully, with kindness and patience for all!




Week in Review – December 1st, 2024

“Give Thanks”

Diana made it back to New Orleans in time to celebrate Thanksgiving, and I was very thankful for that.

The Powells braved the rain and chilly temperature to watch their daughter perform in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade in New York.  Neffie and Shaun did the same.  A shame for them to travel so far and have miserable weather.

We were invited over to the Ogans for Thanksgiving lunch.  Anne’s Mom, Carolyn, got started early with the little pigs in the blanket appetizers.  One of my favourites.

Chef Denny grilled some delicious lamb.

We had a lovely lunch followed by a spirited couple of rounds of the Scategories board game.  Those Ogan boys are very competitive.

Carolyn brought me a sixty and a half birthday gift – a couple of albums that she had picked out for me and was very proud of.  So sweet and thoughtful.

Lisa and Diana sported their matching “Thankful” shirts:

The gang left to attend the Tulane football game in the evening.  Diana and I stayed to hang out with Carolyn.  Diana might have taken a wee nap.

It was very pleasant not to travel for Thanksgiving for the first time in many years.

I hosted the Bauer girls and McD for lunch at Superior Seafood on Friday.  That’s Anne’s sister Mary Francis in the middle.

We had a long and very enjoyable lunch, and then invited the group over so that we could listen to the albums from Carolyn:

Oh, I forgot about this gem from Thanksgiving.  Somebody produced some early Denny and Anne pictures.  Bad Fred’s comment “Mason has a girlfriend?”  Young Denny does look an awful lot like Mason.

I joined Thom, Kara and Kenny to watch the University of Texas game at Fat Harry’s on Saturday.  I really like this bar – great food and service.  I had a great time hanging out – and will even admit that I ate the mini corn dogs.

I chuckled when I saw on TV that the Cowboys were still “in the hunt” for the NFL playoffs.  I think there is no chance at all.

I did not get much reading in this week at all – so skipping this section.

I love the horns and percussion on this track:

Tower of Power never gets old:

Coexist peacefully, with kindness and patience for all.


Week in Review – November 24th, 2024

“Friends and New Relatives”

Diana made a last minute trip to California to take care of her Mom.  It’s hard for her with the sciatica and long plane trips, but she’s a trooper and muscles through it.  The good news is that Clorinda was released from hospital after a few days and was happy to be home again.

We had an exciting new addition to the family this week.  Heather and Michael’s baby, Hamish, arrived at 8lbs 1oz and “very long.”  Everyone is doing well as evidenced by these pictures.  Not sure the dog, Milo, knows what to make of it all.

Neffie and Shaun and kids arrived on Thursday night late, on their way to New York to support another kid dancing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.  They are nuts to drive!

Kenny came over on Friday and we hung out for a while before lunch at Shaya.  Always so amazing – the lamb ragu hummus is still the best I’ve had.

We stopped at Mignon Faget on the way to lunch so that I could do some early shopping for the holidays. That ended up taking way longer than it should have – you know how patient I am with shopping expeditions.

Saturday was an excellent music day for me, thanks to Kenny, Kara, and Colleen.  Kenny got us on the guest list for his cousin, Tim Laughlin’s, concert with Tom McDermott at Tom’s house.  Here they perform my favourite Scott Joplin rag (Pineapple):

It was a bit unusual being in an artist’s home with bedroom and kitchen all open plan to the group attending the show – at the same time very intimate and welcoming.  I think Tim is a huge talent.

We followed that with a visit to the Kingpin to see the Iguanas perform.  These guys were a huge local band about twenty years ago.  Our friend, Derek, was a member back in the day.

I gave up on “The Bee Sting” this week.  I just can’t deal with the complete lack of punctuation for hundreds of pages – no periods, commas, or quotation marks.  Why?  What’s the point the author is trying to make?  I can parse it and read it, and I persevered for a while.  But no more.  This is the first book that I’ve given up on in several years.  Disappointing.  All of you reviewers that raved about this book need to rethink your opinions!

An interesting new take on a classic that I first heard done by David Coverdale and Whitesnake over forty years ago:

I know the Robert Palmer version of this, but had not heard this classic take:

A great sound:

Coexist peacefully, with patience and kindness for all!